Boyz to kings Gives Hope

Founder and visionary leader Dr. Merv Mattair launched a mission in 2009 to restore the birthright of all young men while empowering them to live to their full potential. Building on his literary success, Word to My Kings and Queens, this passionate youth advocate pioneered the BTK strategy around the critical importance of role models and parental involvement. Together with partners from various professions, including healthcare, law enforcement, education, and ministry, Mattair passionately applies one philosophy to his daily practice and that is “Every Child Matters.” With that in mind, the 12 Guiding Principles were established to serve as a road map to help guide Boyz to Kings’ participants on their path to success

Boyz to Kings 12 Guiding Principles

  • Respecting Self (January)
  • Reading Literature (February)
  • Improving Our Appearance (March)
  • Honoring Family (April)
  • Accepting Accountability (May)
  • Never Giving Up (June)
  • Respecting Our Queens (July)
  • Staying Physically Fit (August)
  • Making Positive Decisions (September)
  • Respecting Our Elders (October)
  • Learning From Other People Mistakes (November)
  • Praying Internally (December)