Our Youth are Our Future
Inside Boyz to Kings and Girlz to Queens we hold study halls and feed our youth something EVERY NIGHT, 4 nights a week. We teach life skills and lessons from experiences and partnering with our own community, and we strive to make the community as a whole better through positive participation in it. Our youth are given opportunities to hold leadership positions and to prepare themselves for life after school, to help prevent them from making choices that will embed them in the legal system.
We have been serving and teaching our 12 principles to the young men in our communities since 2009, and the young women in our communities since 2024.



Boyz to Kings Chant
I am Boyz to Kings..
I am in control of my choices
I refuse to blame others.
I am great, I am a leader, and I am royalty.
I take pride in treating others just as I desire to be treated.
Respecting females is not an option, it's a requirement.
Valuing my family, being respectful and being responsible makes me a King.
I will not settle for the crumbs of life.
I will not waste the one life that I have
I will listen. I will learn. I will self discover. Then I will apply the content.
When you look at me now you should see greatness.
When you see me in the future you WILL see greatness.
For I am Boyz To Kings.

I am Girlz to Queens.
I am in control of my choices
I refuse to blame others.
I am great, I am a leader, and I am royalty.
I take pride in treating others just as I desire to be treated.
Respecting my King and myself is not an option, it's a requirement.
Valuing my family, being respectful and being responsible makes me a Queen.
I will not settle for the crumbs of life.
I will not waste the one life that I have
I will listen. I will learn. I will self discover. Then I will apply the content.
When you look at me now you should see greatness.
When you see me in the future you WILL see greatness.
For I am Girlz To Queens.
Girlz to Queens Chant

Girlz to Queen of the Year 2024

TJ Mattair
Boyz to King of the Year 2025
Kevin Gilley Jr.
Boyz to King of the Year 2025